5 Tips for Stress-Free, Smarter Grocery Shopping

5 Tips for Stress-Free, Smarter Grocery ShoppingEver leave the grocery store thinking, “What did I just buy?” Or leave with bags and bags of groceries with the intent of buying one or two things? This post will highlight a few ways to get organized and will help you with planning out your grocery lists. They key is filling up first (really!) getting organized, staying organized and avoiding those impulse buys. You’ll save time and money without having to clip coupons or scour the ads every week. As always, don’t forget the Riceworks!

  1. Fill up First: You know what they say—you should never go to the grocery store hungry. And “they” are right. You will be much more tempted to grab anything and everything in sight—mostly items you don’t need when your stomach is growling. Take the time to eat a meal or at the very least a snack before heading out to do the week’s grocery shopping.

  2. Make a List: If you’re like us, you need a list to keep track of…well, everything. If you’re not like us, don’t knock it until you try it. Taking a list to the grocery store helps and there’s something so satisfying about crossing off each item as you go along. Plus, you’re less likely to reach for the cookies or that package of M&M’s if it’s not on your list. A list will also help you to avoid overspending.

  3. Plan to Succeed: If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Look at what you already have tucked away in the pantry corner so you don’t buy more than you need. Plan your meals and snacks out in advance and add the ingredients to your list.

  4. Leave the Kids at Home: If you can, leave the kids at home. You’ll be less likely to make impulse purchases if they aren’t begging for that sugary cereal or eyeing the candy at the checkout.

  5. Only Go Where You Need to Go: This might sound like common sense, but if you only shop the aisles where you’ll find the things on your list, you’ll be less likely to impulse-buy. If it helps, visualize the layout of the store and organize your list accordingly: produce, meats, spices, dairy, etc. You’ll know exactly what you need and exactly where it is beforehand.

Published: Monday, February 2, 2015