Nutritional Information

You probably already know that Riceworks crisps are made to be gluten-free and without preservatives. And you might also know that there are 0 grams of trans fats per serving. But if you’re looking for more detailed nutritional information, here’s your chance to dig and explore the nutrition inside each Riceworks bag.

Our Crisps

Product NameCaloriesCholesterolFat CaloriesFibersProteinsSodiumSugarsTotal CarbTotal Fat
Salsa Fresca1400mg501g2g220mg1g18g6g
Sea Salt1400mg601g2g105mg0g18g6g
Sundried Tomato Mediterranean Herbs & Cheese1400mg601g2g140mg1g18g6g
Sweet Chili1400mg501g2g170mg1g19g6g
Wild Black Japonica Rice1400mg601g2g90mg0g20g6g
Wild Sea Salt & Black Sesame1400mg603g2g110mg0g19g6g