A Memorable Memorial Day!
Memorial Day is about more than barbecues and the official sign that summer is coming. It’s a day to remember and memorialize the men and women who gave their lives while serving in the United States military. We’ll talk about ways you can celebrate Memorial Day beyond the family picnics or trips to the pool.
- Historical aspects: Did you know that Memorial Day was originally celebrated by decorating Civil War graves? The date in May was chosen because flowers would be in bloom all over the country in late May. Memorial Day was expanded after WWI to honor those who have died in all American wars. Some Southern states still commemorate a Confederate
- Different from Veterans Day: Don’t get the two confused. Veterans Day is a day to honor those who have served in the U.S. Armed forces. Veterans Day is a day to honor the veterans who have served or are currently serving our country; Memorial Day is a day of remembrance of those who died while serving.
- Honor your heroes: Volunteer to plant flags at a local veteran’s cemetery or visit veterans at your local VA. Get involved in your local Memorial Day parade or recognition event—you’ll be glad you did!
- Get out of town: If you can travel to Washington D.C., great. If not, try visiting a local historical place for the long weekend. You might even learn a thing or two about your city or town’s history!
- Fly your flag: Did you know there is an entire website dedicated to rules and customs pertaining to the United States flag? Brush up on your flag knowledge and be sure to fly your flag proudly!
- Traditional celebrations: Of course, if you normally celebrate with a picnic or time together with your family, you certainly should keep doing so. If you’re headed to a family cookout, be sure to pick up some Riceworks in your favorite flavors!
Memorial Day is more than a day off or a day at the pool. No matter what you do to celebrate Memorial Day, be sure to observe our fallen heroes who gave their lives for our freedoms.
Published: Monday, May 18, 2015