A Tasteful Change

Don’t worry; we aren’t changing your favorite Riceworks crisps (whew!).

But we are changing our packaging.

That might seem like a minor thing to some, but to us, this packaging switch means a lot. We think it says a lot about our product and the things that are most important to us. And we think it’s pretty important to highlight those things and stand out in the snack food aisle.

At Riceworks, we value smart snacking as much as we know our customers do. With that in mind, we wanted to make some positive changes that would allow us to better showcase Riceworks and respond to customer feedback on what is most important to you.

We want to be transparent and show our savvy customers what makes us different from other snacks while providing you with more information so you can make better snacking choices. We think it’s important that you know upon first look that you are getting a gluten-free snack, made from whole grain rice with 0g of trans fats. Call us crazy.

New Riceworks packaging banner

So it makes sense for us to pull out some of the most essential nutrition and ingredient information and put it on the front of the bag so our customers can see that information right away. These packaging changes are more consistent with our brand and help us showcase what is most important to us, while creating a product that is easier to spot and recognize as Riceworks. We love being able to connect with our customers and we think this is another way that helps us do just that.

We wanted the vibrancy of our flavors to come through in the packaging – from the bright red for the tangy burst of our Sweet Chili flavor to the crisp green that showcases the fresh garden taste of Salsa Fresca. Along with color, the packages will have a stronger food visual to connect with each flavor. As a whole, the labeling is larger and more impactful.

All of these changes boil down to making sure we exceed your snacking expectations and stand out as truly different among the snack food aisle. Our customers will be able to see and recognize Riceworks on the shelf in a package that truly represents our product. We couldn’t ask for anything more.

Let us know when you’ve spotted the new packaging – and tell us what you think in the comments below.

Published: Friday, September 26, 2014